Celebrating volunteers 

Recognising the achievements of volunteers and celebrating them across your organisation will make them feel supported and included. 

Take into account the fact that volunteers have different reasons for contributing their time and expertise, and will therefore appreciate different forms of recognition. Tell your volunteers that you want to celebrate their work and ask them if you can share their achievements. 

‘Share stories about why people volunteer and the impact they make’ 

Check out Volunteer Australia’s resource, 101 Ways to Recognise Your Volunteers for ideas on how to celebrate volunteers.  

Hand holding a lit sparkler

Don’t just celebrate individual achievements, celebrate the diversity of your volunteers. Make the effort to recognise cultural events and celebrate them at your workplace. Go one step further and visit your volunteers’ communities during cultural celebrations. The gesture will strengthen your relationship with them. 

Whatever method you use, be respectful and culturally sensitive. Practicing Cultural Inclusion can guide you.


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