Advocacy and Research
The decline in volunteering and support in the volunteer sector has put pressure on Volunteer Supporting Organisations (VSOs) to meet their community's needs. Not-for-profits are reporting more demand for services but lack volunteers. Volunteering has been severely disrupted from the COVID-19 pandemic, with people finding it increasingly difficult to volunteer due to systemic social and economic conditions.
We call upon the State Government to step up with more support for volunteering support infrastructure so that we can:
Get more resources to people and communities in the West
Raise the profile and importance of the volunteering sector
Advance volunteering practice to a community-building model using systems-thinking for collective impact
Innovate practice-led research to measure what counts for volunteers and communities to redress long-term policy stasis
We submitted to the Treasurer our 2022 State Budget Submission proposal for VolREACH.
Volunteer West’s Advocacy and Research
Some research is still ongoing, and we are looking at implemented more projects with various partners to advance practice, innovation, and leadership in volunteering.
To get the ball rolling, we have convened a Practice Leadership and Research Reference Group with experts to shape practice and future policy.
If you are interested in partnering with Volunteer West on a research project, please email: volunteerwest@amcservices.org.au
Youth Volunteering in Melbourne’s West: Motivations, Barriers, and Opportunities
Maribyrnong City Council – future of volunteering and civic participation
Hume City Council - Connecting New Migrants Through Volunteering
Commonwealth Review of Volunteer Management Activity Funding
Research on public health, volunteer management and partnerships by Marijke Fotia
Community Leaders’ Support for Volunteering
Who supports the supporters? For the $58 billion dollar impact that volunteers deliver in Victoria alone, they are getting meagre support to bring about those economic and social outcomes for the state.
— Thu-Trang Tran, CEO
Volunteering Victoria
Our community wellbeing and social networks are often reliant on these volunteers, making it vital to ensure that organisations facilitating volunteerism are themselves supported to continue their work.
— Bill Shorten MP
The quality of volunteerism and capacity building in individuals and groups in volunteering is therefore critical in the success and depth of our communities in all facets of life.
— Joanne Ryan MP
Volunteer West advocates to community leaders to seek support for volunteering in the West.
Read the full support letters here: