Exit process 

Saying goodbye to your volunteers is sometimes a sad but very natural part of the volunteer lifecycle. When your volunteer does leave, do your best to organise an exit interview with them as it can provide you with valuable insights into their experiences while volunteering for your organisation. It also gives you an opportunity to end the relationship on a positive note. 

Exit interviews don’t have to be formal meetings. Structure them in a way that matches the relationship you had with a volunteer, so they feel comfortable and are willing to give feedback. 

Shadow of a person waving

Some things you might cover in an exit interview: 

  • Ask the volunteer why they are leaving.  

  • Give them a chance to provide some final feedback. 

  • See if there are any other volunteering opportunities they would like to be involved in. 

  • Ask what things they enjoyed and the challenges they faced during their time with your organisation. 

  • Ask if they would like to stay involved with the organisation. 

  • TIP - If you have an exit interview framework for staff, it might be worthwhile adapting it to your volunteers.

The exit processes should be positive and respectful, keeping the door open for them to return as a volunteer in the future Remember to keep the exchange culturally appropriate, communicate clearly and be patient. The Practicing Cultural Inclusion module will help you do this.

